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5月25日是“非洲日”欧洲杯体育,值此之际,突尼斯装备和住房部国土目标总局副局长佐赫拉·马克卢夫(Zohra Makhlouf)继承中新网专访时暗意,非中合营效能不凡,中企在突尼斯承建的比塞大大桥神志即是有劲例证,该神志建成后,将灵验股东当地经济发展。她期待,将来有更多合营神志落地突尼斯和非洲其他地区。(林卓玮)
Today is Africa day. Chinese investment in African countries in both public and private sectors present an opportunity, said Zohra Makhlouf, sub-director in the General Directorate of Territorial Planning of the Tunisian Ministry of Equipment and Housing, in an exclusive interview with China News Network.
Citing the new Bizerte bridge as an outstanding example of how Tunisia has benefited from cooperation with China欧洲杯体育, she expects more joint projects to be built in both Tunisia and the whole of Africa. (Lin Zhuowei)
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